宽幅全景畸变矫正工具“Panorama Corrector”

查看78698 | 回复23 | 2012-3-31 17:23:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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这是一款功能强大的变形矫正的PS插件,由AltoStorm开发。8 ?" u; F' I8 l/ |. i

3 ?! V3 T6 k( ~0 i/ R+ E宽幅接片原图# q: h3 x2 D* Q. s) u* o& s



' A* z; x) q3 Z
: c4 C- i" b$ r( k  m; ^( o5 J使用变形矫正插件之后
3 m6 E& _0 o- h6 b0 i3 z


% y& R% Y/ i* j+ ~& _- a7 w, E

9 I; V. t# M2 M2 t



; h2 W- z! c, y6 O; A* \$ }* d5 E4 D9 T' _6 c

+ c7 T- o; ?. T$ ]# ^5 b: m5 H
/ }! I- o7 g+ K( T$ S1 [各种矫形方法:一线、二线、三线、四线等
5 q5 {, f0 \. R" A) C



  r" M3 j8 p; G6 k6 C
% S0 C5 s8 Z/ X' T( e9 e8 S
$ R7 r0 F7 I9 M( J1 g1 S& {$ U$ e. ?7 m
矫正之前7 v' F3 x5 ^& Q( T5 f2 e



* ~' k6 ~/ C6 M! m* K8 \  B1 E. f
, i; L& Z* H1 E# F  c6 j$ q4 a: {- t
初步矫正8 \% Z' v$ B$ M- G% E


2 n# ^6 U% l! }$ d! d, r+ X! M

, r. R( ^! S/ `1 v' S% ^* C0 v- w2 M7 \0 e0 _. l2 u
( T% b+ o+ ~# R8 o6 }



+ @9 X. b/ R( Z  r/ _9 n
4 g3 ]6 x- x5 i6 {* N+ g0 w详细教程以及更多实例: http://www.altostorm.com/
" `/ L7 ~2 y+ Q0 t% I2 `! @

Panorama Corrector Installer.rar

4.92 MB, 下载次数: 71, 下载积分: 金钱 -1

Panorama Corrector Installer_trial

鱼眼龙 | 2021-1-25 10:56:35 | 显示全部楼层
必须了解的是:无论任何畸变矫正软件,都只能在一定的视野角度之内才有好的效果。. ?7 f/ C% R8 h2 N6 |8 r
建议选择视角最宽90度以内的,最多不要超过120度。3 x# \, n4 x' \& Q/ G; F
150度以上基本不能考虑。。。。。。. q# ]9 q5 E& ?0 m) ?% M

2 T! I& Z% N4 Z+ W( p' @
# m! s( |% \9 V+ x7 M1 O
. }$ ]* p, `! y9 i) ~超出满意范围之外的部分,裁切弃之。3 k7 I6 i; `) C2 O) t' L
" q- n0 X# \: K+ T! J* r4 \; [0 [. D
) n$ r5 T  I- G& I/ U) H3 T( g+ n
传媒博物馆-广播馆2厅-老式留声机唱片-老式录音机磁带.jpg 0 W3 g( d/ l0 P$ n7 `
( Z  c; y# n, i3 n4 O$ U. [
传媒博物馆-广播馆2厅-老式留声机唱片-老式录音机磁带 PanoramaCorrected.jpg + l' c4 c" \6 f" w* `) S$ T
" @& ?9 O  |. v- B6 V
无法加载?点此新窗口全屏浏览→https://www.ivrpano.com/p/c2354ab6a9281788?_s=72abe4a6f84654a61 }$ b, J9 M" o& B0 E
鱼眼龙 | 2012-3-31 17:29:19 | 显示全部楼层
& f8 g8 W7 `. i/ y d23cc6f1121a48ce0e036a701ee2f632.png 矫正后:9 O6 z' u& j" C

8 X9 k6 `' d9 R$ S6 a% M0 A 1966e1b6e4eb993cc4e3611e7c32ac17.png 9 K2 ~" U/ o" W, y# B9 m& T
1 - Open the img_01.jpg sample image from the C:\Program files\Altostorm\Panorama Corrector\Samples folder. Run Altostorm -> Panorama Corrector 2 filter.. k2 |& _. z( i
9 r9 }- Q: y( y) M5 K, `
) k$ l4 K  L; M
2 - Choose to define horizontal distortions with 2 curves. Two horizontal lines will be displayed on the image.
8 x9 f9 r! s. v, |5 H7 k9 O" Q6 z1 k6 D' l# i8 a5 u8 z- w
450f6dcb62c841483734b3cb14a5c34f.png 2 ^; L& ]. A9 w$ {! u
9 B! ^$ A$ }, \, ^" b! S: `, S
3 - Click the upper curve once to enter curve edit mode. The curve will be displayed with markers.
3 [* ^) _5 H0 e) x( p% X( B
9 \. [: C0 o! g- Z6 N
2 s9 r: S# \( H, R4 - Arrange the markers along the line of the building roof so that the curve shapes the building lines. Notice that you cannot drag curves (to move a curve you have to move each of its markers).0 {0 w* {, P3 s5 G: F

' y% ^0 y7 ]& b ae6101c19f3143a73f5c248c29d37336.png
% J% x" ~# D; A: I4 y% C; p4 x) N4 g) k  D7 u
5 - Click the lower curve once to enter curve edit mode.
& E9 r  R8 L5 m% K
5 x2 w8 V$ r0 V
: H" ]0 a/ G1 r: D4 l# ?6 - Arrange the markers along the building ground line so that the curve shapes the building lines.. e: F; r9 V$ ^) R5 v3 K- ^
" [: ^: ]+ W% x/ _# H7 g
. y/ L, o' F0 U: ^6 _+ Q0 x
9 V0 I9 J# W- {7 - Set the scale to 100%. Check the position of every marker of every curve and reposition them more precisely if necessary. The curves should shape the building lines as precise as possible. Inaccuracy can lead to visible defects in the geometry of the resulting image!. _& h' x! `; J" N7 s
# V. C. h' w. o
aa005a4106976248bfb89613145860b6.png 6 p8 M0 S: G' p- i8 N' J5 m+ t9 d
( ?& S, o1 p0 S* Q* `( J5 c  m( F
8 - Set the scale to "Fit image".# o3 T: ?, o9 ?
7 S* \' @6 N! I- ^# @, v
! v% v; f8 X! D/ i
9 - Choose to define vertical distortions with 2 curves. Two vertical lines will be displayed on the image.7 z3 A! G, n; O' q8 J) U& Z
2 J4 N' T; A7 [9 t  g
c6e23a22f8c4eff5e0736f3c71bc24b5.png 3 F9 I* M0 _0 h5 H

/ s6 }$ P8 i: p10 - Edit the vertical lines so that they shape the building side lines (as you did it in steps 4-8).
* Z+ c2 ^3 b6 c, a& O: T7 L
+ ~2 @5 B1 Y1 \- _7 d  {3 d+ | 1214580ecbdaf66075b8d3faef04df08.png
7 [5 b& Z. t7 O2 G0 _
8 d9 R: U2 Z: P' p  ~& J# Z11 - Click Next to go to step 2.
0 V4 L, p, U, J9 S8 }' r' [4 u' m0 z6 L- S+ z
# [; f& ?( {4 v2 \; g
12 - Wait until the resulting image preview is displayed. . z" `) h+ \: [6 l+ v; o# S% U

! ^9 w0 L& q0 t 24ac55b562d9005fb5f96d9976f73001.png
( {0 ]$ S2 X; t$ l. Y. v/ H, a
" J3 e; g- r' o1 u. I7 H* J. aNote: if the preview image looks blurred you can enlarge the Preview size up to Large or Very Large. The larger preview size you set the longer the preview image will be generated.; `, T6 j! C! ]5 p7 z5 d
. |! H" `" `+ i5 q
085aa3cf8d024b1246d6de5f957856f4.png 5 I9 p) i8 G/ k! ~3 A, I; _3 B

& }8 A8 l' o* X3 N5 a13 - Click Next to go to step 3.
0 }" ?& {, i5 l+ `- P! f% M9 G* n4 J
3 x  M& h! l  @
14 - Define the render area with the mouse.
) F! s  D  k# T/ _# \8 K
' l' F) e. H1 x, H; [6 Y 25d63c2b22a91e394cca8c3db6ddba10.png
% w, @1 Z) }8 r/ y/ X5 W) Y9 c5 [( K3 }9 B% j/ D
15 - Click the Run button.& c# k% J- C9 Y' Z+ ~- l
5 o7 B" W$ i+ L8 C+ [! n

+ A' Q7 V: U, ` c7db0e3a19105542eb96611480d8fd34.png 8266d37f5c3bd0ad385514259d48415a.png
+ v" a9 s, D2 l$ n' o# p' ` cc2e26f544384dfade9b4eed4bb5b9da.png 8b303640ca1ce81862e171953da5220a.png
! o: H4 Y5 O# c% x4 P# S- i+ D" r# G3 [1 K7 j1 l4 Z
, Q, c  ~1 M- R3 u* n
xhlmm | 2012-3-31 17:32:31 | 显示全部楼层
鱼眼龙 | 2012-3-31 17:46:23 | 显示全部楼层
! H$ W* W: r2 r! D1 V* i% Z# y# e+ h( j9 k; ^0 i2 V+ P4 m* f
使用方法:5 z  s- `3 y8 E% s) t
, q! r# H$ L# g7 Z. ?3 N
1,在官网下载:http://www.altostorm.com/download/Panorama_Corrector.exe1 N* m; ~2 ^0 f
2,执行安装;+ p5 B; A7 Z/ t1 b" |
! r  s( p( x- H/ K4,导入一幅准备变形矫正的图,在滤镜里选 AltoStorm > Panorama Corrector;- A! u- o. `$ V8 a' O+ D, A0 \
5,在Panorama Corrector 对话框右侧,选择所需的水平矫正线(一线或二线);9 r# D, m. r' b
6,对矫正线进行曲率的调整;6 }* v! x' {% \' K
7,如有需要,进一步选择垂直线的矫正线(一线或二线);' E7 e( W8 g! v( M* L! _
& Z6 r5 T1 X4 ]/ Z4 \& a9,调整好之后,按“下一步”按钮,矫正完毕!0 r0 U7 _: ]$ W# \
- G/ h# Z$ n& B
以上是初步矫正,接下来在下一个窗口,还可以进一步进行纵向的桶形矫正。% e4 m, Y: H" G+ ]3 O
8 k3 P( m+ S  f) B# S: ]各种不同的设置,随调随见,非常方便!
, P8 y6 {7 x3 W5 p
% H! }9 q5 j$ q+ @  h9 Q- r8 h1 N! B7 R; W$ w' Y

4 P6 v0 M  K4 k8 J: F: v, F

Panorama Corrector Installer.rar

4.92 MB, 下载次数: 3, 下载积分: 金钱 -1


doney_dongxiang | 2012-3-31 19:43:25 | 显示全部楼层
黔龙缘 | 2012-4-1 12:23:51 | 显示全部楼层
noah42510 | 2012-4-1 13:14:57 | 显示全部楼层
lightroom | 2012-4-1 16:02:24 | 显示全部楼层
很好的软件" I, {- X, [5 ?/ R. U! o$ z: D
1 j$ ]% V& X! q& Y% t7 m使用了PTLens、lightroom矫正都不理想、谢谢李老师介绍的这一利器
阎涛 | 2012-4-1 16:20:32 | 显示全部楼层
苍蝇拍 | 2012-4-5 15:37:47 | 显示全部楼层
procolor | 2012-4-10 09:29:08 | 显示全部楼层
lsyz5168 | 2012-4-14 20:01:52 | 显示全部楼层
guonaldo | 2012-4-30 14:22:35 | 显示全部楼层
Photoshop CS6 有一个新功能 自适应变形矫正 我感觉更加好用,建议大家试试看!
古山石 | 2012-6-16 16:34:39 | 显示全部楼层
大美溪北 | 2012-7-2 16:56:53 | 显示全部楼层
canniness | 2013-2-22 16:08:58 | 显示全部楼层
庄腳人 | 2013-3-3 17:55:35 | 显示全部楼层
- H, [% X, p9 L% z7 m網上也找不到KEY4 Y$ i5 a; @) w) u. C" }" Y( m
田野一行 | 2014-5-27 11:41:06 | 显示全部楼层
于杰 | 2015-5-18 10:59:56 | 显示全部楼层
baron | 2015-7-31 00:44:44 | 显示全部楼层
亲自尝试过了 这个插件非常好用 谢谢鱼老师推荐
keithjack | 2015-12-7 08:54:26 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
木鲤 | 2017-6-11 17:58:22 | 显示全部楼层
鱼眼龙 | 2021-12-12 13:22:39 | 显示全部楼层
7 {; W) w; n7 D) Q# f" P3 A( I, F2 ]4 p+ [4 R( d
回复KeithJack:解压之后有两个8bf文件,PanoramaCorrector.8bf 和PanoramaCorrector 64.8bf,文件名里带64的就是64位。
- W8 j5 p% B* e/ D请特别注意:32位或64位是指你的PS版本,不是Windows版本哦!
! d; e+ G1 ~0 z! I7 T如果你Windows是64位,而你的Photoshop是32位,你就必须使用32位的(文件名里不带数字的那个)8bf文件。5 W4 E, r- f" O+ C4 A

% t0 P3 M6 N5 E; x6 C. V' X1 @  s6 G回复木鲤:安装方法,解压之后,把两个8bf文件都复制粘贴到Photoshop下面的plug-ins文件夹内即可。2 m" \* @5 _& v7 u/ l
打开Photoshop软件,在滤镜下拉菜单里会看到 Textures.com,该项下级就是panorama Corrector。/ _3 D6 w2 w! C+ w* ^
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