pano2vr 连接google map导航地图探索

已有 1804 次阅读2012-1-27 09:10 AM |系统分类:经验分享| google, 导航地图     Felix Rieseberg Ein Microsoft Evangelist mit G'schichten rund um das Web, Windows & Windows Phone
Creating a Google Street View Clone Veröffentlicht am Montag, 6. September 2010

For find­ing your way around and get­ting a first overview of a unknown place, Google Street View is pretty much the most sophis­ti­cated tech­nol­ogy avail­able to end con­sumers. And if there is one place which con­fuses the hell out of new­com­ers, it’s a uni­ver­sity cam­pus. The HHU Düs­sel­dorf cam­pus is com­pared to big uni­ver­si­ties not exactly huge, but due to a lot of sim­i­larly look­ing build­ings aston­ish­ingly con­fus­ing. I had a sim­ple idea: Cre­at­ing an usable Google Street View clone, which allows incom­ing stu­dents to have a inter­ac­tive walk through the cam­pus, accom­pa­nied by infor­ma­tion where they are cur­rently going. Here is the end result.

  • Two research asso­ciates who were kind enough to go with my eager­ness to experiment
  • A Canon 5D cam­era (1.600

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