PTGUI 11重大改进,不再为“对称”而烦恼

查看10946 | 回复5 | 2019-3-6 11:44:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2018年6月6日PTGUI 10.0.19版之后,仅过了两周,即在6月19日退出了11.0.0版,其中一项重大的改进,是:
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  • It's now possible to tell the control point generator to look for control points only in overlapping image pairs (Pro version only). This should give a significant speed improvement when aligning gigapixel panoramas and reduces the chances of faulty control points. The images should be roughly positioned beforehand, using Align to Grid, by applying a template or by loading a PapyWizard XML file. This behavior can be enabled using the 'Images are already roughly positioned' flag in Project Settings - 'Align images' behavior. This flag also appears in the Project Assistant when appropriate, after applying a template, after applying a PapyWizard file or after using Align to Grid. Also a new option 'Generate Control Points for overlapping images' has been added to the Control Points menu.  H) w" `' D( Q& l+ q& n
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  • 现在可以告诉控制点生成器,只在图片的重叠区域里查找控制点(仅限Pro版本)。当对齐千兆像素全景图时,这将显著提高速度,并减少出现错误控制点的机会。可以使用“网格对齐”、应用模板或加载Papywizard XML文件等方法,使一组原始底片预先大致定位,然后勾选“图像已大致定位”选项。适当时,在应用模板、应用PapyWizard文件或使用“对齐到网格”之后,此标志也会显示在项目助手中。此外,“为重叠图像生成控制点”的新选项已添加到“控制点”菜单中。
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这项改进,彻底避免了由于全景图的“对称”,而令软件添加误判的相似控制点,导致整图扭曲错乱。  b+ Q: P/ |) {1 ]
对称场景的误判时间戳水印的误判 g# c/ J% h& n1 t' }) f( E
1 a. C+ {, D) c( J6 X) {/ x
仅在重叠区域搜寻控制点.jpg # V$ c; \  _5 x$ I# j- n+ V8 U
8 M' a: t. ?; H! ?/ O4 K9 ^1 r0 @

  b# n6 p% M! S

- H1 K" t" J, E$ |7 H7 F
duxian | 2019-7-29 17:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
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