PTGUI:经常提到的问题和答案 FAQ&A

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关于PTGUI的 问题和答案
: ^. q. b3 `1 |1 tFAQ(Frequently Asked Questions,频繁提到的问题)4 M  O& J4 D+ s
Q&A(Questions And Answers,问题和答案)
; Y% {7 Y* H# u2 Y7 X* C' t/ m' G7 R
* a% x& R+ Q. Y/ |  _' d

+ m5 `2 {9 k7 a1. 购买软件* H9 @2 r$ M) G! l! l: u

- N9 J+ \) k' w8 c8 I( J5 @% q, `2 f# u& [1.1. 我已经购买了 PTGui 或者 PTGui Pro 软件,为什么已经过了一天我都没有得到答复?& ]; P, \) q1 Q  m- B) C/ |# W) s( H
1.2. 我两年前购买了 PTGui 许可证,现在要升级,是否有优惠折扣价?/ J) i5 a1 ]; t; u$ C8 R
1.3. 我是 PTGui 的用户,可否升级成为 PTGui Pro?
8 s# o% n6 h" x1 @4 y1.4. 两种版本该买哪个,是 PTGui 还是 PTGui Pro?- ^! x' d8 ^0 W: x
1.5. 哪里可以看到 PTGui / PTGui Pro 的许可证条款?
; o' X. b+ Y2 C+ a' v1.6. 有没有针对学生的特别优惠价?
$ j7 v2 c9 R- b* {2 g1.7. 我们是公司购买,购买软件之前,贵方可否开具形式发票?/ ]+ ?( P4 `4 E7 s* V% }
1.8. PTGui 早期的旧版本是否还可以下载?9 x* r' M0 a. ^
1.9. 我是否可以既在我的PC台式机上安装,同时也在我的笔记本上安装 PTGui 软件?
2 J7 u8 k0 r+ E3 U- [& {
% B" W& v6 {1 }/ Y  Z$ k3 t6 T* Y; [2. 软件的激活, x& v9 z7 |( u
, N! f# ?& C, S% o) E+ U
2.1. 为什么我输入的注册码不管用?
8 p4 `4 L* i/ h2.2. 验证码是如何工作的?
, x7 y8 b" h9 E) s' i2.3. 我的电脑没有连接互联网,是否可以使用 PTGui 软件?* m% Z8 V5 n# R
2.4. 我电脑的硬件配置有变化,软件是否需要重新验证?' g2 a  o* g* J" K
2.5. 我的电脑死机了,或者电脑被盗了,我是否需要注销我的许可证?) ^3 R  }3 g  A8 F. q6 n
2.6. 怎样把一台电脑上的许可证转移到另一台电脑上?7 i, V9 N' P0 ?5 c" w
2.7. 一个许可证允许将软件安装到几台电脑上?
+ R5 o1 u% M9 h# [( M, H2.8. 我的许可证丢失了可咋整?
0 i2 V4 g$ _/ w/ b+ E) C2.9. 我想把软件从 PC机转到 Mac机,是否可以呢?2 z9 O  W) h5 U6 {
2.10. 我们公司需要在局域网环境下的多台电脑上运行 PTGui,怎样才能避免频繁地在每台电脑上手动激活?
, T6 B5 h/ d" l4 i8 I2.11. 当PTGui 提示 '许可证激活失败',如何解决?
* q8 o3 [* i$ z4 V9 I* F4 k9 E& Y7 o5 K7 q# W
3. 一般问题6 i& }, P; \% p3 s2 T3 O

1 I7 [- B3 q' j: F+ W3.1. PTGui 软件或者帮助文件是否有其它语言的版本?. @5 C. Y5 D( m/ V& B" j5 ~! t
3.2. 为什么我的镜头数据库是空的?
/ e6 N7 p( g4 [3.3. PTGui 能否从开始到结束始终以 16位图像方式工作(假如没有8位)?0 ^1 S% b  {7 k# K) v% }
3.4. PTGui 能否创建虚拟漫游?# x  Z1 m+ M6 P2 W
3.5. 相机传感器尺寸单位是毫米还是英寸?
8 C7 E4 \0 B! M8 o2 o7 v3.6. 我用28mm镜头拍摄的图片,在运行优化之后,怎么PTGui 报告说是 31.5mm的镜头呢?# L+ J5 E5 Y' E, B( z5 j
3.7. PTGui 能否打开 RAW/DNG 格式的图片文件?
& Y. B$ a0 K; [) x3.8. PTGui 能打开哪些品牌型号相机的 RAW格式图片?% A) t( L! W# O1 Y5 U
3.9. 软件的“应用模板”功能是干啥用的呢?
8 W& {) {/ v- V3.10. 为什么当我应用了某个模板,并没有看到把该模板的控制点复制过来?) c) Q6 G7 g) B& V- {
3.11. 运行 PTGui的电脑硬件配置要求是什么?4 ~% M2 q1 S! S1 n) O6 s% k
3.12. PTGui 是否保持我原始照片的EXIF数据?4 F. V  p0 W8 ?8 H# m
3.13. PTGui能否拼接用移轴镜头拍摄的图片?
$ i; r5 i/ W6 A% t- h3.14. PTGui的设置是存储在哪里的?
" U( r: f) h8 C3 i/ c1 ^! z5 U3.15. PTGui没有全部使用到我电脑的处理器,当运行拼接时,CPU载荷小于100%2 @' Y" R* z, ?4 j$ Z
3.16. 运行优化之后,PTGui提示给出了一个控制点的平均值,究竟多大的数值是合格的呢?
: p# R0 b. O% [8 R* D, X3.17. 为什么当我按下“保存并发送到批处理”按钮之后,PTGui Pro关闭了当前项目,并且打开了一个新的空白项目?
: ?! Y' K2 {- d: t/ o3.18. 为什么PTGui会问我是否想要对项目进行重新初始化?
% [& Q! i0 R! f1 C( n4 f$ j3.19. PTGui 能否创建交互式的“环物照片”?
+ `( E/ K" W# q1 w5 h; K8 y" H2 R3.20. 为什么在PTGui Pro的批量拼接之后,项目文件被修改了?. V! `1 D+ `; J% _% A
3.21. 我在Photoshop或其它软件里对RAW /DNG文件进行了编辑,PTGui是否能识别到这些改变?7 f; E! t/ O, V9 X
3.22. 怎样才能在我电脑系统上缩短拼接时间?& }! Z& g1 Z/ A, ]0 G# P' c' v+ R
3.23. 我在全景图编辑器里面把个别图片进行了移动或者转动,为什么PTGui运行优化并没有影响到这些改变?
- K2 q+ A' _7 Q/ b+ `4 U# }% R3 C3.24. PTGui能否拼接灰阶图片?
. i2 d/ g# L" ?1 C  f- @$ |$ j, ]3.25. 为什么有时运行优化后,全景图片的默认输出尺寸会有一点点的改变?
; _) A' m0 ]- z* W: j9 m3.26. PTGui是如何得出全景图的最佳输出尺寸的?3 a( z: v% W& I. I& a, p& P
3.27. 为什么PTGui 11版使用了一种与10版不同的最优尺寸?
. K, @6 |' q/ d" p% x5 _2 u/ ]  C3.28. 鱼眼镜头参数究竟有什么用呢?+ E% b/ f+ d. s9 p1 c, O! L3 {: E) j
3.29. 我可以在电脑上并行安装几个不同版本的 PTGui 吗?7 F) Z( ~7 K0 }# e/ ^8 I: [

2 i2 N  Z3 ^7 o/ U4. 问题查找4 r+ i# T3 i) @1 w

, X' G: g. E- B1 I: ~3 b4.1. 当我用Photoshop对全景图的图层文件进行接缝处理时,为啥我只能看到最底层的融合全景图片,而其它的图层都是透明的?; u0 Q. y) z/ D; z0 v
4.2. 为什么当用其它软件打开PTGui生成的TIFF全景图文件时,软件会崩溃,或者会显示一个混乱的图像?
' v# m9 @3 h! {# v5 N8 p& i4.3. 为什么有时候当PTGui运行时,电脑会死机?, x/ A2 L. [& h+ L+ _$ r0 g
4.4. 为什么在PTGui里看图片时,各底片会有不同的明暗或不同的色彩呢?0 _7 Y; h' }  h9 t# o, O, r" E
4.5. PTGui提示 “PTGui无法检测到某些图片的控制点,请手动添加几个控制点” ,我该怎么办?: }: i2 p; A; o8 C) T4 C
4.6. 为什么PTGui有时候会翻转我的底片?
3 H2 o: o% Y5 I% X  a$ T0 I/ A4.7. 我是新手,遇到问题应该怎样需求帮助?
9 S' N7 L7 ?5 j( k9 d! p; }4.8. 为什么杀毒软件提示说PTGui安装软件里面有病毒?
4 x2 D* x+ U% U' A3 g. O" s4.9. 为什么用Photoshop编辑完全景图之后,再回到PTGui打开它,会看到一条竖线?  G! {0 _0 Q4 y) x# J
4.10. 为什么运行PTGui时,会提示内存不够?/ w+ ^( e/ C$ b" T3 e$ D
4.11. 在苹果机安装软件时,提示说 "PTGui Pro无法打开,因为开发者身份无法确定"。
7 l% `! F, J9 B7 k6 q% c4.12. 为什么我无法打开一个QuickTime 的 .mov格式全景图?( x5 V2 z1 p- a% R) r
4.13. I'm attempting to stitch images taken with multiple cameras but I'm running into stitching errors
/ x) x: ?% i, X' m0 H/ n$ Y4.14. My panoramas stitched using a template in the Batch Builder have misalignments. This only happens in the Batch Builder; the panorama is perfect if I use the same template in the GUI.
' O6 S4 B* N1 N9 E5 Q7 o4.15. The Batch Builder seems to ignore the settings in my template; my panoramas come out different than expected.
. E3 u1 a9 Z& S* O4 u$ m4.16. The panorama in the PTGui Viewer is full of black dots!
# U5 c# q1 f! p, ]4 }% Z8 y7 q" W4.17. I'm using PTGui 10; the stitching process hangs and never completes.% g0 w& r, |5 ]' j& k/ q
; X! q' v6 Y! }3 ~" y

" r2 ^& a4 i2 w1 e* H! X) n4 N
鱼眼龙 | 2019-3-15 21:43:47 | 显示全部楼层
5. Improving the results
8 z7 X! ~; G0 v% M: r" \* J5 [& h! T. W
5.1. The horizon of my panorama is curved instead of straight
  z! f. d/ N( W4 }5.2. I get color/brightness differences between the images in my panorama8 b- z) {6 T/ P
5.3. How can I change the resolution (ppi or dpi value) of the generated panorama?
4 |( ^6 ?+ ?3 I3 h5.4. I see misalignments in the stitched panorama. What can I do to improve the result?
% `0 ?7 c3 D5 K# x4 S' y: f, N5.5. Some control points in my project have a relatively high control point distance. Will the alignment of my panorama improve if I delete all control points with an error above a certain threshold?
9 U6 o' Q: q& g% R8 L6. How to...
1 n$ z1 p+ U! N/ |5 {: P& K- i! ^; D3 \7 v: u1 H/ x# S: q
6.1. My panorama contains curved lines. How do I get straight lines to remain straight in the panorama?
+ v: S9 t! \2 D& b1 e3 `6.2. How do I use the Horizontal line and Vertical line control points? ; W8 s. m* g+ `2 [/ d7 {7 k' I
6.3. How can I calibrate my lens parameters?
& {7 K# [$ v1 n; C9 e9 s, E6.4. Does PTgui allow stitching of photos that have the camera in different locations?
- N) ^/ f& \" L! e! R! V/ i6.5. How can I stitch mosaics, like partial scans from a flatbad scanner of a large image?
6 [* j& Y. r3 n$ C, e6.6. My panorama was taken with the camera tilted up or down. Now there's a lot of unnecessary black space above/below the panorama, increasing the size of the output. Can it be cropped away before stitching?
3 c  {: J) C9 {8 N9 n6.7. How can I have better control of the overlap area (i.e. the location of the seams)?: N# M4 G# w/ t/ z
6.8. How can I create a vertical panorama? PTGui rotates my panorama 90 degrees!1 P/ d! f, x4 y: |, C
6.9. I want to cover the tripod in my (360x180 degree) spherical panorama. How do I add a nadir cap?$ w* I  P' `8 _& }6 L
6.10. How can I change the default settings for new panoramas?
) \& u% d. Y- d+ n2 B! }6.11. How can I stitch extremely large panoramas?
' u; d' x0 f4 ^& X( p& M" o6.12. How can I align a set of images, all taken in the same direction (not a panorama)?2 V5 [* `( i1 m8 W3 Y8 }
6.13. How can I use exactly the same stitching settings for different sets of images?( x  P6 S4 M) x3 ^
6.14. How can I correct a single image for lens distortion?
9 T- H- J' g  v6 Y7 d6.15. How can I show a panorama on my website?# j+ N3 @( z6 R
6.16. How can I publish a panorama to Facebook?! d# _: {6 Y3 R- E( n
6.17. Why does Facebook display my panorama as a flat image, not as an interactive panorama?
9 M! T: x" o4 s6.18. How can I use PTGui to add the metadata required by Facebook to an already stitched panorama?
6 m- H! Y  }1 k0 [6.19. How do I level/straighten a panorama using horizontal / vertical line control points?
( @) y% g+ A, q7 R! {5 K* f6 F" W6.20. How can I correct a single image for vignetting in PTGui Pro?
3 h8 r' Y$ i; [( g, \* P6.21. My spherical panorama still has a hole in the top and/or bottom. How do I fill the missing parts to make the panorama truly spherical?
2 [( i& d1 R( [5 }+ e6.22. After running Publish to Website my panorama has black holes at the top and bottom; how do I get rid of these?, ~1 F4 i1 f. n. O8 ]: |9 J1 V
6.23. PTGui leaves some blank space around my panorama. How can I crop the panorama so that it fills the canvas entirely?" a; m9 X; L4 F& f/ ^
6.24. How can I tell PTGui to output panoramas at a specific size?& U: f/ |$ E; Y3 E7 n% q" h! b8 G( _
6.25. How can I defish a fisheye image in PTGui?* O! {/ x/ ]  o) F. k
6.26. How can I extract a 'flat' image from a spherical panorama?
, X3 B4 v# y  `  ?+ n) p- y6.27. I have taken multiple panoramas from the same viewpoint, to create a time lapse movie. How can I ensure that subsequent panoramas are aligned when played back in sequence?
6 ]2 y* e6 T" v2 q2 i2 p4 E: ?6.28. My project contains one or more images without any recognizable detail and it's impossible to place control points. How can I stitch my panorama?# N7 L# t6 b6 F  M! o9 D" N
6.29. How can I view a finished panorama interactively on my computer?
. U4 @6 \9 j6 ], U6.30. I would like to send a panorama to a friend/client/... Is it possible to view a panorama interactively without needing to install a plugin first?
6 K5 `8 D9 C7 ?: |! `8 j: x6.31. I need to align/overlay an image to an already stitched panorama. How can I do this?8 {" q. ?. b+ L5 j
6.32. How can I stitch a PTGui project from the command line?
, x% r, S, v8 W# X! X9 f6.33. Can I use PTGui to arrange pictures into a collage? Can I disable the warping/distorting of images?
% r; \2 t5 _$ M  ?6.34. How can I display spherical panoramas on my iPad?! z# G4 o% ~; Z0 N
6.35. How can I stitch panoramic video in PTGui?4 x0 z- Y5 w! l$ Q. O1 d1 X3 N$ J5 R
6.36. Is there a way to stitch many panoramas using the same settings?
( h8 `; ?- B* L( d# r- X6.37. How can I make 'little planet' images in PTGui?
# l! v* P" L9 q; t6.38. How can I stitch images from Adobe Lightroom in PTGui? Do you offer a Lightroom plugin?, g+ o& K4 ^: A* O* M
6.39. Can you tell me how to make 3d (stereoscopic) panoramas in PTGui?3 W# i5 K7 |+ u- C' O, }) \4 k$ W
6.40. How can I view a stitched panorama in a Cardboard VR viewer on my phone?! q8 U+ z6 s# U3 {( l( s
6.41. How can I stitch two back-to-back circular fisheye images?6 U" J! h4 \* B# W- _
6.42. How can I retouch the nadir of a spherical panorama?
7 Z. H5 L3 A" ?: B1 b- F6.43. How can I stitch images taken with a 360° one shot camera in PTGui?
* Q1 Z4 @4 d4 ~6 m) `6.44. How can I prevent PTGui from placing control points in certain areas?, J. {6 _2 v* a: y, }  G- {2 H

9 @3 D0 i2 A6 H- T
3 @4 X- G% O" D+ j$ a7 v5 L7. PTGui Pro and HDR
6 A5 F9 m" m' x
- {# ^' s, K( E4 O% H5 F
7.1. What is the best way to take images for HDR stitching in PTGui Pro?
7 C5 r4 z5 M. n- w  y- v7.2. My images don't contain EXIF exposure information. Can I still use them to stitch HDR panoramas?
$ W" F2 H5 ^! D2 V% G; G7.3. PTGui Pro doesn't recognize my bracketed exposures!6 {- ]3 J- Q8 H; |8 u& D* R
7.4. The stitched HDR panorama looks like it was not blended at all. I'm seeing hard edges between overlapping images.) B6 Z- m1 t" c* T  L& T
7.5. So I forgot to switch my camera to M mode; my bracketed images are taken in auto exposure mode. Can I still stitch them to HDR in PTGui Pro?
: i! n% Z) H7 T4 `5 r; {) w3 e7.6. Why should I use manual exposure mode? Isn't it much better to use automatic exposure, so that every image is optimally exposed?
$ |4 W# }* Y, I, R8 ~6 f) q" z7.7. PTGui Pro displays the wrong EV values! My images were taken at -2, 0, +2. This is confirmed by the EXIF data but PTGui shows something else in the Image Parameters tab.
& t' Q. X! Z+ c+ `2 K3 A2 n0 M7.8. What's the deal with linked images?" W6 d. V6 [4 h& y# F! |1 u
7.9. Should I link my bracketed exposures or not?
5 ]5 i8 k0 h- P' G9 r: h0 w7.10. Can I retouch an HDR panorama, e.g. to remove ghost images of moving people?) r5 w: t/ d* F! S; u( A* B
7.11. I would like to stitch my panorama in PTGui Pro, but use another application (e.g. Photomatix or Photoshop) to create the HDR.+ S3 ?& K0 {8 f, l1 K9 C- q
7.12. Can I use PTGui Pro for exposure fusing / tone mapping / HDR generation of non-panoramic images?& c+ s2 v, }+ `8 N9 c4 C  k
7.13. Can I extract artificial bracketed images from my (non bracketed) RAW files and have PTGui Pro assemble those into an HDR panorama?; k6 U2 f4 O6 J  W( r& L8 V' I9 k
7.14. I have read the previous answer but I still would like to stitch my pseudo bracketed images generated from RAW files!
* [/ \* ^$ P( n+ r; K, }4 i
' \0 s6 K4 X, Z+ a) Z$ B& O" ~0 n: h. g: a2 s" o
8. GPU acceleration- _) i( E) f; j7 k
" W  B& h3 d6 B* X# j' W, p
8.1. Which GPUs are supported by PTGui?
- B. Q+ P7 k( c5 J! c( J8.2. Which graphics card should I buy?
8 O/ ?" Q4 M9 z+ O! P8.3. Does PTGui support using multiple GPUs?$ h6 V* s( V2 `, B) E- B; h
luoqianyang | 2019-3-18 17:50:06 | 显示全部楼层
老师能把问题的答案也翻译一下吗?谢谢!, ^. d( W% j0 t9 S
凉粉 | 2019-3-27 09:22:47 | 显示全部楼层
用Google Chrome浏览器直接翻译网页,效果还是比较好的,基本上能看懂。
/ ]# _6 b7 g) r7 T( i
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