请教老师 krpano 小行星效果

查看12634 | 回复2 | 2014-5-12 17:01:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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请教老师 krpano 小行星效果出现后 自动回到 初始正常播放位置 怎么弄
原来是小茄 | 2016-3-19 18:16:01 | 显示全部楼层
[html] view plaincopyprint? 插入到scene标签中   <!-- startup view settings for 'little planet view' (stereographic=true + fisheye=1.0 + fov>120 + vlookat>70) -->  <view stereographic="true"  fisheye="1.0"  fov="155"  fovtype="VFOV"  fovmax="150"  hlookat="-60"  vlookat="77"  />    插入到tour.xml中   <!-- fisheye and little planets projections are needing more cpu rendering performance,  to reduce the cpu need and get better performance and frame rate, switch to Flash9  rendering while in fisheye/littleplanet/stereographic mode -->  <display flash10="off" details="24" />     <!-- when the loading is done, wait 2 seconds and then start with the animation to an normal view -->  <events />    <action name="normalview">  tween(view.hlookat, -40, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  tween(view.vlookat, -35, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  tween(view.fov, 85, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  tween(view.fisheye, 0.0, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  wait(2.7);  set(display.flash10, on);   </action>
! W' K  w3 g; f9 f( X$ z4 m
  1. <!-- startup view settings for 'little planet view' (stereographic=true + fisheye=1.0 + fov>120 + vlookat>70) -->. Z* o9 K! F2 D8 n$ `) z" G: s
  2. <view stereographic="true"
    ' c% M; a$ W. r6 k4 i2 P/ Y) v- T
  3. fisheye="1.0"
    * i6 w+ `" \. ?! s
  4. fov="155" 3 @7 j+ e. i7 d0 }1 {9 z, z% P
  5. fovtype="VFOV"
    0 Z2 o, m) f  H; m( m7 P
  6. fovmax="150"
    ! v; q4 B, ~' i2 x
  7. hlookat="-60"  
    / X% A0 w9 C2 v# x+ Y  T
  8. vlookat="77"  />    4 }! |; t7 u  z) v$ D7 b& S& _
  9. 插入到tour.xml中   
    8 t+ \0 B# P; T4 K, G
  10. <!-- fisheye and little planets projections are needing more cpu rendering performance,  to reduce the cpu need and get better performance and frame rate, switch to Flash9  rendering while in fisheye/littleplanet/stereographic mode -->
    5 _4 G* F" `% X3 n7 W
  11. <display flash10="off" details="24" />  
    . C; u. j" y# [* @+ b( r& N
  12. <!-- when the loading is done, wait 2 seconds and then start with the animation to an normal view -->
    6 h' W' Q+ E# R/ `
  13. <events onloadcomplete="delayedcall(2.0, normalview());" />   
    # K0 P, E  \) q7 W) r) h: f
  14. <action name="normalview">
    6 H1 G6 m' P0 x- ]
  15. tween(view.hlookat, -40, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);
    # p3 W6 H3 B% g" S. A; q
  16. tween(view.vlookat, -35, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  
    ' `1 y: o  K4 e$ y
  17. tween(view.fov, 85, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);  7 H& Q5 N: s% J0 j
  18. tween(view.fisheye, 0.0, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);
    * r9 Y$ ~: o3 z# B
  19. wait(2.7);  
    0 p* S% i# w# y& S8 P! \
  20. set(display.flash10, on);   ( K0 ]( B# J) k* ?/ V4 ?
  21. </action>

6 T0 T0 k2 D8 n
+ x5 E, }. |4 Z# f7 W


我觉得您可能没有注意到编辑器有个插入代码的工具呢? 试一试,很好用!  详情 回复 发表于 2016-3-20 12:33 AM
明海+ | 2016-3-20 00:33:31 | 显示全部楼层
原来是小茄 发表于 2016-3-19 18:161 n+ Y# l4 E7 T# |5 R
[html] view plaincopyprint? 插入到scene标签中         插入到tour.xml中                  tween(view.h ...

  g2 \, f, C) |1 K( U; U$ N  h( U3 t$ v, Y5 q) R) x
5 \' ]+ T1 y5 s3 [试一试,很好用!
* s8 F7 [$ r/ S6 d; k* H 16210609032034.jpg + A/ ~7 _. b( x! G5 r. ~
+ x% I8 H: O3 S1 F( |
  1. var test;+ w! m: K; O- w/ A3 A' p/ E( i2 p
  2. //this is a code?
1 a, ]7 [# V! w! z
4 }0 l. O+ M# r, X! ^% s
. d. ?. X+ A$ f# r. ^

+ B3 s3 O( s, ^" Y6 \# q
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